Thursday, August 23, 2012


Lamentations 3:40-42 
"Let me examine my ways and test them, and let me return to the Lord. Let me lift up my heart and my hands to God in heaven, and say: I have sinned..." 

This puts the responsibility squarely on our shoulders!

Let ME examine my ways and test them.

Let ME return to the Lord.

Let ME lift up my heart and my hands to God.

...and say, I have sinned.

Self-examination is always difficult. That's why most don't do it. 
It's easier to keep the bandage on the wound (or the hideous sin...because aren't they all?).

Psalm 17:3 
"Though you probe my heart and examine me at night, though you test me, you will find nothing; I have resolved that my mouth will not sin." 

Well, you go David! God sure wouldn't be able to say that about me. How about you?
The reality is that God is probing us. Examining us. Searching us. Testing us. All day. All night.
Is our life pleasing to Him? Are our words His words? Do our actions bring him fame or shame?

Psalm 27:2 
"Test me, O Lord, and try me, examine my heart and my mind." 

David was ASKING God to test him, try him, and examine him. He was an open book. He was being honest. Why do we act like God doesn't catch on to our tricks? He sees it all!

Jeremiah 17:10
"I, the Lord, search the heart and examine the mind, to reward a man according to his conduct, according to what his deeds deserve." 

That is a humbling reality to acknowledge that God sees every part of us (actions, words, thoughts, motives) and rewards us accordingly.

That's not always a bad thing thought! PTL that he sees the intentions and motives of our heart when we are trying to please Him and others don't understand. When they misinterpret our motives, we need only to be concerned with what the Father thinks of us. He's the one we should be trying to please.

go self-examine
and see what you find.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Serene women do NOT become sidetracked


  [suh-reen]  Show IPA
calm, peaceful, or tranquil; unruffled
clear; fair

Complete one task at a time; 
one hour at a time...
until the day is done!

I need to bring all my attention and conscience awareness to whatever I am doing AT that moment.
Whether that's brushing my own teeth, the laundry, the Bible, school, emails, putting the kids to bed...
I will THEN gain the peace that comes from fully living in the moment!

Yes, yes, yes!


So many times I'm thinking about 20 different things and not giving my full attention to just one project...or person. I've always prided myself at multi-tasking. Pride always get in the way....fogs vision....Rather; focus!
Fully embrace the MOMENTS!

"Show me Your ways Oh Lord, guide me in truth." Psalm 24: 4-5

Monday, August 20, 2012

I want to...

Sometimes in your life you will go on a journey.
 It will be the longest journey you have ever taken.
 It is the journey to find yourself.
  Katherine Sharp

I would like to remember to: 

  • Find the sacred in the ordinary
  • Realize that all I have is all I need
  • Welcome feedback, creativity, and flexibility into my life
  • Savor life's small moments
I am so very grateful to the Lord for seasons of life. 
We've all faced them. We've all gone through them. 
We will all continue to face them as we age, change, grow.
It's simply part of the life cycle. Part of how God planned it.
Part of how things grow and die and new things grow again.
It simply is. 
We cannot change it.
 We cannot adjust it. 
We must embrace the season we are in.
Why waste winter trying to make summer? Or turn fall into spring? 
They each have their pros and cons just like anything else in life. 

The funny thing is that nothing has changed. 

But daily choosing to look for the good makes a difference. Produces a change. 

Philippians 4:11-12 "I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want."

 Paul was in prison and sharing this with the church.
 God, in His sovereignty, decided that we ALL needed to hear this. To see this man's example lived out through His written Word. To pattern ourselves after him.