Friday, April 6, 2012

The ABC's of Christian Parenting

A - Affirm who your children are in the Lord.
B - Build a foundation of love and trust. 
C - Communicate openly and often. 
D - Discipline consistently and fairly.
E - Expect teh best of them. 
F - Forgive frequently. 
G - Give unconditinal love. 
H - Help them to grow spiritually. 
I - Invest time in them. 
J - Join in family night fun. 
K - Keep Christ central in your home. 
L - Live what you teach. 
M - Make your home atmosphere positive. 
N - Notice and commend achievements. 
O - Organize family vacations. 
P - Pray for them faithfully. 
Q - Quote Scripture when appropriate. 
R - Release them as they're ready. 
S - Set a good example. 
T - Train them well in the ways of the Lord. 
U - Understand their God-given gifts. 
V - Value each child individually. 
W - Welcome creativity. 
X - Explain why when you say no. 
Y - Yearn to see them become all they can be. 
Z - Zero in on Christian values. 

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